History of Ireland

The history of Ireland has frequently been overshadowed by war and conflict, beginning with the inter-clan rivalries of the early Celtic kingdoms and continuing through the long struggle for independence from Britain and the subsequent Troubles in Northern Ireland. These wars and conflicts have spanned the entire history of Ireland. Despite this, the history of Ireland contains a great deal more. Because of its druidic oral tradition, Ireland boasts an unrivaled collection of folklore that is the envy of the world. These tales remember mythical heroes like Cuchulainn and the Fionn mac Cumhaill.
  1. Romantic Ireland and Valentine's Day Celebrations
  2. Romantic Ireland - Irish Leap Day Proposal Tradition
  3. Romantic Ireland – Lisdoonvarna Irish Matchmaking Festival
  4. The Story of Our Lady of Knock and Knock Shrine
  5. Grace O’Malley the 16th Century Pirate Queen of Ireland
  6. Discover the Historical Roots of the Bagpipe in Celtic Culture
  7. Grá Is The Irish Word For Love
  8. The History of the Fenian Claddagh Ring
  9. Authentic Irish Coffee Recipe and History
  10. What Makes Up a Full Irish Breakfast?