The trinity knot is a Celtic and early Christian symbol unity and eternity that has evolved into a modern symbol of love everlasting. During the Celtic Revival in the 1800s the unending knot, or triquetra over time become a romantic symbol of never ending and eternal love, that can transcend time.
The Trinity knot has become a central feature in many wedding inspired by Celtic tradition. Often the symbol is displayed with Trinity Knot wedding rings and on wedding invitations. The importance of representing ancestral links to Ireland, Irish culture through symbols like the Trinity Knot reflect couples feelings about their marriage and their roots. Its a way to display their Celtic connection, love, faith, on their spectacular day.
The Trinity Knot is a Symbol of Eternal Love
The Celtic trinity knot is an unending knot that cannot be untied. Trinity Knots are symbol of eternity, faith, love and commitment worldwide. Many couples incorporate the Trinity Knot not just in their wedding rings, and throughout their wedding ceremonies. Trinity Knots are treasured symbols making them the perfect Celtic theme weddings, and of course Celtic wedding bands.
Many couples view the Trinity Knot as a representation of their Past, Present, and Future echoing the Celts beliefs and importance of the triquetra . A Trinity knot wedding ring beautifully displays a couples future joined together in their wedding vow to love, honor, and protect each other for eternity.
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