Saint Patrick was a Christian missionary and is regarded as the patron saint of Ireland. St. Patrick lived from AD 373-493, and ministered in northern Ireland from AD 433 until his death. Pious legend credits Patrick with banishing snakes from the island, though post-glacial Ireland never actually had snakes. It is suggested that the snakes referred to the serpent symbolism of the Druids. Saint Patrick is also credited with teaching the Irish about the Holy Trinity by showing people the shamrock, a 3-leaved clover. Legend also says St. Patrick, while preaching Christianity drew a cross through a Celtic circle symbolic of the moon Goddess. Hence the Celtic cross was born. Today the circle of the cross is viewed as a of God's endless love. 

The meaning of the Celtic Cross and Popular Legend: The Celtic Cross Meaning around the world is typically depicted as the sun cross and has become a traditional Christian symbol used by the faithful in Ireland for religious purposes. While the Celtic Cross is certainly a Christian symbol, it has its roots in ancient pagan beliefs at the same time. The Celtic cross is a form of Christian cross featuring a nimbus or ring that emerged in Ireland in the Early Middle Ages. Some say the circle stands for the Roman sun-god Invictus, thus giving the name of Celtic Sun Cross. Others say it represents the halo of Jesus Christ. Others simply see it as a holdover from its pagan roots as a sun symbol.The Celtic Cross often referred to as the Irish High Cross is a renowned symbol of Celtic culture worldwide. 

What is a Celtic Cross and the circle of light?

The Celtic cross represents one of the most revered symbols of Ireland and of Irish culture. Few symbols are as renowned as the embodiment of Celtic Christianity like the Celtic cross worldwide. The Celtic Cross is basically a Latin cross with a circle of light, or a halo intersecting it. This cross also known as the Irish cross or the cross of Iona is a famous Christian symbol that has its roots in paganism.  The cross with a circle of light emerged in France and Britain in the middle ages and predates Christianity. It was adopted by Irish missionaries from the 9th through the 12th centuries.

The Popular Legend of the Celtic Cross and What the Circle Represents

Have you heard about the legend of the Celtic Cross? Irish folklore says Saint Patrick introduced the Celtic cross to the Celts when he was trying to educate and possible convert the pagan Irish hopefully to Christianity. The pagan Celts were said to worship the sun. Saint Patrick according to legend combined the image of the Christian crosswith the circular to represent the sun to associate circle of light with the Christian cross as one in the same.Another less popular story suggests that, by St. Patrick laying the symbol of the cross over the symbol of the sun he was showing them that Christ was a more powerful force then the sun god.