The art of storytelling as well as the Irish language has a long and storied history in the country of Ireland. This is the result of a confluence of events, the first of which is that our one-of-a-kind language, which was in use a very long time before the English language was developed, has demonstrated the significance of preserving one’s customs and culture.

Furthermore, prior to the invention of pen and paper, literacy, and television, the most popular form of entertainment in Ireland was the telling of stories. And last, the Irish people are known for their inherent sociability and friendliness, and they like nothing more than having a nice conversation.

Over the course of our lives, the confluence of all of these factors has resulted in a natural facility with language. Many of the most well-known authors in the history of the globe were of Irish descent; James Joyce and Oscar Wilde are just two particularly outstanding examples. Additionally, the Irish are credited with having coined a whole lexicon’s worth of idioms, Irish sayings, and Irish proverbs. If there is one thing that humans are particularly skilled at, it is the ability to devise the ideal proverb to fit any given circumstance.

Even though they are hundreds of years old, many of them are as relevant as ever today. Others appear to be more archaic and antiquated when contrasted with contemporary culture, and of course, there are those that just don’t make much sense regardless of the period in which they are spoken or the circumstances around them!


Irish Proverb Affirmation Bracelets

The following is a collection of our favorite old Irish proverbs. There’s a saying for every situation! Our Irish Proverb Affirmation Bracelets are inspirational. Live the Celtic life you have created. Live the life you love, and inspire the relationships and friendships that you cherish. Do what you are passionate about and practice what you preach. The life of the Irish is to be enjoyed, not endured. And these truthful short and pithy Irish sayings are the proof. So, follow your Celtic spirit and dreams, be open to new beginnings, and live life the way you love.

Irish Proverbs

  • Two thirds of help is to give courage – Irish Proverb means words of inspiration can go far.
  • The best horse doesn’t always win the race – Irish Proverb means a horse with conditions to suit the day will always be the most likely winner.
  • It’s easy to half the potato where there is love – Irish Proverb means when you are in love you will share everything together.
  • It takes time to build castles – Irish Proverb means hard work and planning will reap rewards eventually.
  • No man is wise at all times – Irish Proverb means everyone makes mistakes
  • Fierceness is often hidden under beauty – Irish Proverb means don’t let looks deceive you.
  • May hinges of our friendship never go rusty – Irish Proverb means may your bonds of friendship never break.
  • If God shuts one door he opens another – Irish Proverb means that if one thing you do fails, you will soon have an opportunity to try to succeed at something else.
  • Idleness is the desire of a fool – Irish Proverb means knowing the right thing to do and failing to do it persistently.
  • Wisdom exceeds strength – Irish Proverb means a wise man is strong. A man of knowledge gains in strength.
  • Patience can conquer destiny – Irish Proverb means good things come to those who wait.
  • If you don’t know the way walk slowly – Irish Proverb means keep pushing towards your goal, one day, you will achieve it.