The Mabon Celtic festival takes place on the Autumn Equinox. Mea’n Fo’mhair is the name that the Druids give to this festival, during which they pay homage to the Green Man, who is considered to be the God of the Forest, by pouring libations for the trees. At this time, it is permissible to make offerings of ciders and wines, as well as herbs and fertilizer. Mabon, like Ostara, is an equinox festival, but unlike Ostara, the emphasis of Mabon is on balance.
- Aug 10 2022
Celebrating the Autumn Equinox Called Mabon
Categories: Irish Traditions , Interesting Stories , Ireland , Celtic Legends , Blog , Education , Legends and Folklore , Celtic Culture - Sep 22 2021
Autumnal Equinox the Celebration of Mabon
Today is the first day of autumn. The fall equinox will occur today, September 22, 2021, at 3:21 p.m. Eastern. The Sun will be exactly above the Earth’s equator at that time, appearing overhead at noon as seen from the equator. Every year, around the same time, the Sun shines directly over the equator, distributing the same amount of light on both sides of the planet.