There are many Irish Halloween traditions in Ireland. One of my favorites is barmbrack. Barmbrack is at the very core of the Irish Halloween traditions. The Halloween Brack, much like Christmas pudding traditionally contained various objects baked into the sweet bread.
Colcannon is one of my favorite Irish recipes made of potatoes, and cabbage. I make mine with let overs. It is associated with Saint Patrick's Day, but the truth is colcannon is actually traditionally served on Halloween nights. The cook sometimes hides little trinkets or talismans in the mash, each representing fortune, poverty, or perhaps the chance of a future marriage.
- Oct 01 2015
Irish Beef Stew with Irish Stout
Categories: Irish RecipesIrish Beef Stew with Irish Stout is the perfect meal on a beautiful fall day or a chilly winters night. Delicious and hardy it is perfect for the entire family.
- Categories: Irish Traditions , Interesting Stories , Celtic Holidays , Irish Recipes , Ireland , Irish Christmas , Education , Celtic Culture , History of Ireland
Traditional Irish Christmas Plum Pudding has had humble beginnings. Plum pudding was originally a porridge flavored with scraps of meat or fish, thickened with bread crumbs and bound together with eggs, fruit and spices. During the Tudor and Stuart period dried prunes were added to the pudding which became known as plum porridge.
- Oct 18 2014
Traditional Irish Shepherd's Pie Recipe
This is what I'm fixing to make tonight. How about you? Cottage pie or shepherd's pie is a meat pie with a crust of mashed potato. The term cottage pie is known to have been in use in 1791, when the potato was being introduced as an edible crop affordable for the poor. (The term "cottage" meaning a modest dwelling for rural workers). In early cookery books, the dish was a means of using leftover roasted meat of any kind (it was a recipe to re-purpose left overs) , and the pie dish was lined with mashed potato as well as having a mashed potato crust on top.
- Oct 15 2014
Lambswool Recipe for Samhain
After you feast on traditional Irish foods on Halloween you will need to wash it down with an old drink called Lambswool. The name Lambswool is believed to be derivative of the Irish Gaelic, “La Mas Nbhal” meaning ‘Feast of the Apples.
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